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College Directory - links to college & university homepages around the world which offer undergraduate programs.

Graduate School Directory - business schools, engineering schools, law schools & medical schools throughout the United States.

College Chat - chat with thousands of other students daily on one of the Internet's most popular student chat systems, the ScholarStuff Chat Network. If you are a webmaster, click here for information on how to join the ScholarStuff Chat Network.

Study Abroad - you can earn college credits while you learn and experience life in another part of the world.

Test Preparation - prep courses, study guides, links & recommended books to help you prepare for the SAT/PSAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and other tests.

Financial Aid - recommended sites & books with information on scholarships, student loans and general financial aid.

Job Search - the best sites to help you find that perfect job whether it be an internship, summer job, or the start of your career.

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Online Education - from certificate to doctoral programs. Information on various online & distance education opportunities. - Try this excellent site which provides Instant Student Loan Comparisons - Free! It is user friendly and features great advice and tips. Plus you can APPLY ONLINE with major lenders.

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